Timing of NR offers Task Force

The Timing of New Registrant Offers Task Force investigates options which would lead all Midwifery Practice Groups to adopt a common hiring timeframe for MEP students.


The responsibilities of the Task Force include:

  • Synthesize tensions and issues with current NR hiring practices.

  • Review evidence on the timing of hiring new registrants.

  • Consider options to promote consistent hiring time-frames.

  • Develop recommendation(s) to present to members.

  • Provide feedback on implementation plan and evaluate uptake.

Terms of reference


Committee members include:

  • Ana Maria Barillas, RM
  • Anne Malott, RM (Chair, MEP rep)
  • Claire Dion Fletcher, RM (MEP rep)
  • Joy Malcolm, RM
  • Kate Demers, RM (MEP rep)
  • Sarah Pellegrino, RM
  • Vicki Van Wagner, RM (MEP rep)