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Ontario midwives gather at OMC 2024, Head Midwives Forum and the Midwifery Sustainability Roundtable to vision futures of midwifery

“We cannot leave one midwife behind” – Carol Couchie, IM, NCIM leader, and Indigenous Midwifery Policy Analyst at the AOM Over 200 midwives gathered from across the province last week for the Head Midwives Forum, OMC 2024 and the Midwifery Sustainability Roundtable to discuss, collaborate…

2024 Pride Month: A declaration of collective identity and resilience

Pride Month is a time to recognize and honour the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, celebrating its diversity and advocating for equitable access to health care for all people. Through the month of June, several Pride events and activities are scheduled across the province. This time also calls for acknowledgm…

Valuing the work of midwife preceptors

Registered midwife preceptors play a pivotal role in the clinical education of student midwives and are essential for growing the profession. Despite dramatic increases in cost of living, for almost 30 years the midwife preceptor stipend remained stagnant at only $500 per month and did not reflect …

Find a Midwife

Ontario midwives practice in clinics in 100 communities across Ontario, from Attawapiskat to Windsor, Belleville to Kenora. Approximately 20% of all births in the province are attended by midwives. You don't need a referral from a doctor to have a midwife, and midwifery care is covered by the health-care system.

Contact a practice in your area to find out more information.

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