Timing of New Registrant offers

Digital badge to show commitment to hiring timeline, with graphic text overlay that reads: "Sign up to receive your badge and show your MPGs commitment to following the NR hiring timeline."

I remember as an NR feeling pressured to take the first job offer I was given even though it wasn't the best fit for me. If I had done all my interviews at the same time and had all my job offers it would have saved a lot of stress and would have allowed me to weigh all my options. 

Registering as a new registrant (NR) is a significant and sometimes stressful milestone in a midwife's career. Applying, interviewing and choosing an NR position should be as straightforward as possible. The senior student and midwifery practice group (MPG) should be supported through a transparent and clear process. 

In response to the proposal ratified by members at the 2022 AMM asking the AOM to review the timeline for hiring NRs, a new timeframe has been put in place for 2025.  Practices are asked to send an email to membership@aom.on.ca to register their commitment to following this timeline and receive an electronic badge to post on your website and new registrant ad.

 Hiring timeline

Benefits to MPGs


Visual depiction of new N-R hiring timeline. See link below for transcript.

View flowchart transcript


  1. Reduces conflicts of interest and and power dynamics between students and preceptors 
  2. Provides practice sites with greater opportunities to interview candidates who have had more time to gain important experience 
  3. Enhances process by providing a transparent, clear and stable timeline
  4. Increases fairness across practices affording all practices the opportunity to post jobs, interview candidates and offer positions

 Benefits to Senior Students


  1. Creates a more positive learning environment 
  2. Allows for a more fair and accurate evaluation of performance during their entire clerkship year 
  3. Lessens or eliminates the pressure on senior students to accept an early first offer 
  4. Avoids comparison and competitiveness in tutorial environments
  5. Supports informed choice by allowing students to weigh options 
  6. Maintains the focus on consolidating learning and preparing for final exams