Get Involved
Committees, Work Groups & Task Forces: Joining a committee, work group or task force is one of the main ways midwives and midwifery students contribute to the life and direction of the AOM. Calls for volunteer members generally go out in the spring, around the time of the annual conference. Committees, work groups and task forces typically meet four times a year, though some meet more frequently. Terms can range from one to give years.
Member proposals (formerly resolutions): Midwives can influence the direction of the AOM by bringing proposals to the Annual Members' Meeting, typically held in May of each year. Although proposals are not binding, they are an important way that members signal to the board areas in need of attention. Learn more about proposals passed at past AMMs.
Regional meetings: The AOM is divided into six geographical regions; twice a year, a meeting is held of members who practice within each region. The AOM president, executive director and regional coordinators provide updates and solicit feedback about issues affecting midwives, including pay equity, hospital integration, work life balance and more.
Social media: One of the easiest ways for members to engage with the AOM is to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. News, announcements and witty banter--we've got it all! And on Wednesdays, be sure to check your inbox for the Midwifery Memo so you don't miss out on event announcements, new resources and media roundups.
And don't forget, access to grants & funding is a key benefit exclusively available to members. All AOM members can access the Professional Development Fund to offset tuition costs of a variety of educational opportunities. Midwife researchers are also invited to apply for research funding support annually.