GynZone Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for an engaging, convenient way to stay up-to-date on your perineal repair skills? GynZone is an online learning platform featuring online courses, workshops and webinars on a range of topics including perineal assessment and repair, suturing techniques, healing and more. With more than 1000 on-demand videos, these evidence-based resources can be completed at your own pace.

How do I register for GynZone access?

Registration is a TWO-STEP process:

1. Click here to register with the AOM.

2. In 2-3 business days, you will receive an email from GynZone with instructions to create a free account on their website. Follow the instructions in this email to create your personal account.

That's it! Once you have created an account, you can log in and have full access to all content on the GynZone website.

I submitted my email to the AOM – now what?

Within 2-3 business days, you will receive an email from the GynZone website inviting you to join the “AOM team”. This email will contain instructions about how to make an account to gain access to all the online content. If you do not receive an email after 2-3 business days, please check you junk/spam folder for an email from GynZone. If you need to have the sign up invitation resent, please contact us at


The GynZone orange and black logo appears above text reading "Welcome!" and an orange button labelled "Join Team"

How do I log in to GynZone?

Once you have registered with the AOM, and followed the instructions received in the GynZone registration email to create a personal account, visit
1.    Enter the phone number you have linked to your account
2.    Click “send code” to receive a text to your phone
3.    Enter the 4 digit code to login

If you are having trouble logging in, please contact

On the left, a login screen with the text "Log In" and a blue rectangular button with text "Send Code". On the right, an image of a person using the GynZone app on a smartphone screen.

Will my account work with the GynZone app?

Yes! You can download the free GynZone app for your smartphone or tablet to access the full GynZone learning library on the go. You can download the app for Android or Apple.

How long will I have access after I register?

Once you have completed your registration, you will have 3 full months of access. For example, if you register any time in March, you will have access immediately and continue to have access until the end of June. If you register any time in April, you will have access until the end of July… etc.

Once my access is expired, will I be charged automatically?

No! Once your access through the AOM has expired, you will lose “Pro” access and your account will be limited to free content. You will not be charged any money related to your access through the AOM.

Can I still access certificates of completion after my access expires?

No. Please be sure to download copies of your certificates of completion for any attended webinars, quizzes or courses for your records as soon as they become available upon completion. You will not be able to access these once your AOM-granted access expires.

What if I decide I don’t want my spot after I’ve registered?

If you have registered but decide you no longer need access – maybe you watched all the videos you were interested in, or any other reason you’re not planning to use it – that’s OK! You can keep your access just in case, or you can let us know and we can offer your spot to someone else. If you would like to resign your registration, please email us at

Can I register again for free access to Gynzone?

Unfortunately, at this time we will not be offering access to GynZone again. Should this change, an announcement will be made.

Why is the AOM offering this resource?

AOM members have identified that they would like more continuing education opportunities on perineal repair. GynZone offers asynchronous/self-paced learning on a wide range of topics related to perineal assessment, repair and healing. Information is evidence based, current, and suitable for midwives at all stages of practice. The platform is easily accessible on various devices (desktop, laptop, tablets and smart phones) and can be reviewed as often as desired.