Risk Assessment Checklist (RAC)

Every three years, the Association of Ontario Midwives (AOM) hosts a series of quality improvement workshops focused on the top risks in midwifery. Representatives from birth centers, expanded midwifery care models (EMCM), Indigenous midwifery practices and midwifery practice groups come together to learn from one another’s successes and challenges in mitigating the top risks in midwifery as identified by the Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC) and the AOM.

In 2024, the workshops were complemented by an assessment survey and a workbook. Together, these tools are intended to help midwives identify and prioritize areas of improvement in client safety and practice management. The information gathered from the survey and the workshops helps the AOM to identify systemic areas of risk and advocate for the tools and resources midwives need to continue to provide safe, client-centered care.


Click here to access the risk assessment workbook (PDF, 2.5 MB)


For assistance contact: Jessica Zehr, Administrator, Quality and Risk Management